February 2019
February 3
February 10
February 17
Most people are in a hurry and they no longer have time to meditate on the will of God in regards to ministry and leadership in the Church. Many of the church members know that the greatest burden a leader has is to identify and maintain valuable people in ministry. The leader needs to believe in their calling, needs to teach them to work in a team, help them identify their vision, appreciate them for what they do, and assume responsibility as their leader. When one forms and develops a leader, he is in fact developing and helping the church. Why is it that only leaders can produce leaders and why do leaders need to produce more leaders? 1. The people closest to the leader will determine the level of success or failure. The success or failure of a leader is not only due to his potential, but also due to the people he surrounds himself with, the people who either accelerate or slow down the process of ministry and leadership in the church of God. Not all people are called to sing, to preach, or to lead. Paul explains the phenomenon of the calling and commission in many places in the Bible (Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-31, Ephesians 4:2-16). Sometimes a “fire” appears in the church, and a leader has two proverbial buckets in hand – one with water and one with gasoline. At the same time, every person in the church also has two buckets. The leader needs to advise people to use the bucket with water and never the one with gasoline. The peace in a church is not by chance, but rather is a realization. Holy people and the relationships they have that are filled with love are the most important thing for God. 2. The potential for leadership and development of a church is directly proportional with the potential of the church leaders. A church is developed when its leaders are developed. Peter was a simple fisherman, but the Savior molded him into a competent servant. People who serve determine the level of the church, therefore they need to be helped to change or to be changed. One of the great dangers in leadership is jealousy and competition rather than cooperation: a) the competitor sees others as his enemies, but the cooperator sees others as work partners, b) the competitor focuses on himself but the cooperator focuses on others, on developing others spiritually, c) the competitor suspects others, but the cooperator sustains others. Gossip is one of the things with which a church can be very quickly destroyed. People called by God to be leaders are easy to identify: a) They have the ability to see people and situations in a positive light b) They are available for ministry and they happily work in teams c) They have a strong desire to grow and to be loving toward others d) They know the Scriptures because they cannot serve in a manner other than according to the Word. e) They dutifully fulfill their ministry without needing to be checked on and verified. f) They put God’s interests in the work above their personal interests. g) They are spiritual, sincere, and filled with integrity, no matter the situation h) They are disciplined, they promote peace, holiness, and the guidance of God.
February 24
Jesus Christ was the greatest Teacher of all times. Looking at the way He chose His disciples, we understand many things about His vision about leadership and leaders. 1. A CLEAR VISION - "I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19). Jesus created expectations. 2. A PRECISE SELECTION - "Follow Me" (Matthew 4:19). Lack of selection robs us of the chance to form a team of suitable people and destroys from the starts the team`s performance. What were the Savior`s criteria in the precision of selection? (a) Need of assessment - What do we need? "Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this ministry" (Acts 6: 3). (b) Manifestation of availability - Who is available? "Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this ministry" (Acts 6: 3). (c) Skills of the candidates - Who is capable? "Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this ministry" (Acts 6: 3). (d) Attitudes of the candidates - Who wants to serve? "if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work" (1 Timothy 3:1b). (e) Actions of the candidates - Who completes the tasks? "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:62). 3. SERIOUS TRAINING - "He began to teach them" (Matthew 5:2). Who does not have time to prepare, but has time to serve unpreparedly puts out the fire of ministry and shatters the team`s dream. 4. SOLID UNITY - "I pray all may be one" (John 17:21). The absence of consequences creates a limitless permissiveness. 5. DIVINE EMPOWERING - "Receive ye the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22). Anointing in ministry confirms the divine call. 6. PUBLIC DELEGATION - "Go ye into all the world" (Mark 16:15). Dedication to ministry is the manifestation of the divine calling. 7. MOTIVATIONAL CELEBRATION - "Rejoyce" (Luke 10:20-21). Public recognition of success renews resources and unifies the team. Whomever God calls, He also empowers and guides.